Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ya Alright?

We delight in the differences in the language. We were walking along the street today listening to the lady behind us talking Yorkshire loudly on her MOBILE.  I wish I could write the way she spoke--roughly:
"I wa' te taw te yeow."  (I want to talk to you.) 
When we hear someone speak we try to mimic the way it sounds but our mouths don't form the words properly.  They hold their face and bodies different -- it looks rather formal.  I wonder if we look too casual when we talk.
There is a delightful little waitress at the local carvery that I would like to record.  She has a sweet little voice that makes the Yorkshire accent such that we can just barely make out the thought.  We walked in the other night and she snuck up behind and sang, "Ya alrigh'?" That is the phrase that is equivalent to "How are you?" or "How ya doin'?" at home.  I like the way the maintenence guy at our building says it.  He says: "Ya alright!" without the question mark.  I feel like I am alright.
So sometimes when I am talkin' wi' sumun on the tele we both have to slow--down---real--slow to communicate.   T'is brilliant tryin' to learn the lingo!!! ;


  1. that was brilliant! do they use that word a lot?

  2. They use it about as much as people use "awesome" back home.

  3. Brilliant! Now, what did he say? :)

  4. Is it weird that I understood most of this? He must be toning it down.

  5. Ha! I didn't catch everything he said, but I like his enthusiasm. Maybe when I bring Nic there the enthusiasm will rub off. : )
